Akaitcho Programs

Aboriginal Aquatic Resource & Oceans Management (AAROM)

AAROM was developed to respond to a number of issues identified during discussions on the renewal of the Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy. The goal of AAROM is to help Aboriginal groups to participate effectively in advisory and decision-making processes used for aquatic resource and oceans management.

Regional Coordinator: Roles and Responsibilities
Diane Giroux has held the position of AAROM/AAMP Coordinator for the Akaitcho Territory Government since October 2005. Diane works at the ATG office in Deninu K’ue (Fort Resolution).

Diane’s role as Regional Coordinator is based on First Nation direction to AAMP; to provide support as requested and to build capacity.

Main Responsibilities:

  • Program Related Administrative Tasks
  • Funding Access Through Proposal Development
  • Regular Communications with First Nations and Others
  • Support with Technical Aspects Related to Aquatic Research and Monitoring
  • All Program Reporting, including quarterly reports to the Akaitcho Executive & at ATG’s Annual General Assembly
Executive: Roles and Responsibilities
Role: To administer the Akaitcho Aquatic Monitoring Program (formerly ATG GSLW AAROM Program) through funding accessed from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada under their Aboriginal Aquatic Resource & Oceans Management (AAROM) Program for the Great Slave Lake Watershed (GSLW).  AAMP does not have any authority to make decisions for its member Akaitcho First Nations and does not deal with any consultation or rights issues.

Responsibility: The ATG Executive (comprised of Akaitcho First Nation Chiefs) provide direction, oversee and monitor all aspects of the Akaitcho Aquatic Monitoring Program (i.e. oversee staff, provide programming direction, approve proposal/budget).

AMP Technical Advisor: Roles and Responsibilities
Role: The AAMP Technical Board was established to develop programming and function as a working committee under ATG. The AAMP Technical Board is technical in nature and holds no decisiion making authority (held by First Nation).

Responsibility: Board members are appointed by First Nations and are comprised of First Nation environment resource staff whom are collectively tasked with development of aquatic research and monitoring programming within Akaitcho territory.

  • The Akaitcho way of life has always respected the Land, Water, and Tech’adi (e.g. all living things) on Mother Earth.
  • The Akaitcho Dene have always had the responsibility of being the “Keepers of the Land, Water, and Tech’adi.”
  • The Akaitcho Dene way of life is connected to the Land, Water, and Tech’adi.
  • The Akaitcho Dene way of life has always had a spiritual connection to the Land, Water, and Tech’adi through our customs and practices
  • The Akaitcho Dene way of life has always followed the oral history passed down from generation to generation.
  • The Akaitcho Dene have co-existed together and with others.
  • The Akaitcho Dene have always encouraged our young people to pursue their educational goals, both traditional and formal.
  • The Akaitcho Dene are proud to be Dene.
“As long as the sun shines, the rivers flow and the grass grows,” the Akaitcho Dene are united to protect our sovereign and inherent rights to our water, land and Tech’adi in our traditional territory, through the spirit and intent of Treaty making in 1899 and 1900, thus setting the foundation for the future generations.”
Mission Statement
The mission of the Akaitcho Aquatic Monitoring Program is to empower, advocate and guide member First Nations to implement programs that will create awareness of environmental concerns and effects to our water, land and Tech’adi by securing resources for program development, research, and monitoring.
AAMP Goals
  • Presence on Great Slave Lake
  • Clean and Healthy Lake, Shores and Rivers
  • Develop Partnerships/Relationships
  • Uphold and respect Dene Law
  • Gathering Existing Information and data on Great Slave Lake
  • Ensure Healthy and Abundant Fish
  • Ensuring clean and safe water
  • Pursue funding for program delivery from different sources
  • Skill Development
AAMP Projects and Programming to Date
Monitor Programs – Sport fishers/angler surveys
Fish Studies – Sampling/collection
Contaminants Research – Metals in Fish
Water Sample Programs – Baseline data
Youth Workshops with Land Users/Elders (TK & WS)
Habitat Restoration Pilot Projects
Watershed Forums (YK River, Water is Life, Keepers of the Water)
Training – Sampling protocols, safety and capacity building for staff
Planning: Visioning Workshops, Strategic Planning, Policy & Procedure Manual and Technical Sessions
Equipment – Purchases and access
Communications materials – Newsletters, DVD’s

Akaitcho Community Skills Development Program (ACSDP)

The Akaitcho Community Skills Development Program (ACSDP), formerly the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy (ASETS), was designed to assist the Indigenous population to share in Canada’s economic opportunities by the attainment, advancement, & retention of meaningful & sustainable employment.

Are you setting goals to engage in a training program in order to obtain employment?
If so, you may be eligible for a variety of supports.

Please read more about ACSDP by clicking the button below & contact us if you have questions.

Akaitcho Continued Education Grant Program (ACEGP)

Akaitcho Territory Government now offers continued education grants to Akaitcho First Nation registered members who are enrolled in a post-secondary program either part-time or full-time. The purpose of this new grant is to provide assistance to students with financial aid who may not otherwise qualify for other government funds and to ensure access to financial supports to improve employment outcomes.

Please read more about ACEGP by clicking the button below & contact us if you have questions.

Akaitcho Language Program

The Akaitcho Territory Government is committed to preserving the traditional languages spoken by their member First Nations: Weledeh & Chipewyan.

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Take the first step to becoming an expert today!

Helen Hayes